Michael Shanks, former chairman to the National Consumer Council of Great Britain, characterized professional gobbledygook as sloppy jargon intended to confuse nonspecialists: "'Gobbledygook' may indicate a failure to think clearly, a contempt for one's clients, or more probably a mixture of both.United States Supreme Court justice John Roberts dismissed quantitative sociological reasoning as "gobbledygook" in 2017, when arguing against using any mathematical test for gerrymandering.

President Ronald Reagan explained tax law revisions in an address to the nation with the word, May 28, 1985, saying that "most didn’t improve the system they made it more like Washington itself: Complicated, unfair, cluttered with gobbledygook and loopholes, designed for those with the power and influence to hire high-priced legal and tax advisers.".But out of the gobbledygook comes a very clear thing: You can't trust the government you can't believe what they say." Haldeman describing a situation to Nixon as ". Nixon's Oval Office tape from June 14, 1971, showed H.The term "gobbledygook" has a long history of use in politics to deride deliberately obscure statements and complicated but ineffective explanations. Stay off gobbledygook language." Maverick defined gobbledygook as "talk or writing which is long, pompous, vague, involved, usually with Latinized words." The allusion was to a turkey, "always gobbledygobbling and strutting with ridiculous pomposity." Use Gobbledygook When Maverick was chairman of the Smaller War Plants Corporation during World War II, he sent a memorandum that said: "Be short and use plain English. The term gobbledygook was coined by Maury Maverick, a former congressman from Texas and former mayor of San Antonio. The terms geab and geabaire are certainly Irish words, but the phrase geab ar ais does not exist, and the word gibberish exists as a loan-word in Irish as gibiris. The latter Irish etymology was suggested by Daniel Cassidy, whose work has been criticised by linguists and scholars.

Ī discredited alternative theory asserts that it is derived from the Irish word gob or gab ("mouth") or from the Irish phrase Geab ar ais ("back talk, backward chat"). After 1818, editors of Johnson's Dictionary rejected that origin theory. Thus, gibberish was a reference to the incomprehensible technical jargon and allegorical coded language used by Jabir and other alchemists. Samuel Johnson, in A Dictionary of the English Language, published in 1755, wrote that the word gibberish "is probably derived from the chymical cant, and originally implied the jargon of Geber and his tribe." The theory was that gibberish came from the name of a famous 8th century Muslim alchemist, Jābir ibn Hayyān, whose name was Latinized as Geber. To non-speakers, the Anglo-Romany dialect could sound like English mixed with nonsense words, and if those seemingly nonsensical words are referred to as jib then the term gibberish could be derived as a descriptor for nonsensical speech. It may originate from the word jib, which is the Angloromani variant of the Romani language word meaning "language" or "tongue". It is generally thought to be an onomatopoeia imitative of speech, similar to the words jabber (to talk rapidly) and gibber (to speak inarticulately). The term was first seen in English in the early 16th century. The related word jibber-jabber refers to rapid talk that is difficult to understand. The implication is that the criticized expression or proposition lacks substance or congruence, as opposed to simply being a differing view. "Gibberish" is also used as an imprecation to denigrate or tar ideas or opinions the user disagrees with or finds irksome, a rough equivalent of "nonsense", " folderol", or " claptrap".

Gibberish, also called jibber-jabber or gobbledygook, is speech that is (or appears to be) nonsense: ranging across speech sounds that are not actual words, pseudowords, language games and specialized jargon that seems nonsensical to outsiders. Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to use test.